Tag: soma bose

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Flights of Fantasy

Dusk descended early on a quaint village, as it was enveloped by dark, wet clouds. A loud crack of thunder gave way to the soothing pitter-patter of raindrops. Abandoning work early, villagers rushed to their cosy, warm homes. However, the birds that still dotted the evening sky weren’t prepared for this sudden darkness. Many were still… Continue reading Flights of Fantasy

The Last Second

Rays from the setting sun streamed through banyan trees, blessing the jungle with an amber glow. Soon, nightfall would cloak the jungle in utter darkness. A tiger prowled in the twilight shadows; dense, thorny bushes camouflaged its ebony stripes. Engrossed in following its prey, the tiger skulked in the gloom, now choosing to hide behind… Continue reading The Last Second

First Flights

First Flights A little bird wobbled to the edge of her nest. It was a European stonechat. Numerous other birds peeped at her through tree branches. It was time for her first flight. In front: the vast, open sky. A welcoming freedom; an unsettling loneliness. Behind: the reassuring eyes of her parents, the cheering calls… Continue reading First Flights

The Sound of Silence

A Message from Maa The Sound of Silence While Mohona started her journey back home on a boat, Anupam boarded a rickshaw to return to the hotel. Shalini, sitting on her wheelchair in the balcony of her room, kept thinking about Mohona. These three lives were irrevocably intertwined, but not for long. Later that week,… Continue reading The Sound of Silence


A Message from Maa Resonance Mohona was taken aback by Anupam’s call. She heard him out patiently, but could say little herself, offering only some words of comfort. Anupam understood. He had expected this. The next day, Mohona told her father about Anupam’s problem. Her father’s response was surprising. Shashidhar and the spiritual guru had… Continue reading Resonance


Off-Pitch The celebrations for Shalini’s business were short-lived. Within a month of its launch, Indian media denounced her baby food for containing chemicals that were harmful to infants. This led to panic among parents, and they stopped using the product. The inventory remained idle, with no one willing to buy the product. Distributors refused to… Continue reading Off-Pitch

Echoes Continue

A Message from Maa Echoes Continue Sagorika was on the last page of the diary. Now she knew many things that her mother had never told her. Her eyes were moist. She wiped the tears away and made herself a cup of coffee, reading the last few paragraphs that Mohona had written. “Sara, probably our… Continue reading Echoes Continue

New Harmonies

A Message from Maa New Harmonies Even as Mohona was suffering the pangs of separation in India, Shalini’s business in America was growing by leaps and bounds. Anupam, however, was struggling. Things were just not going his way. When Mohona had not been able to reach him on call, she had sent him a letter.… Continue reading New Harmonies

Out of Tune

A Message from Maa Out of Tune Sagorika kept the diary aside and heaved a sigh of relief. Her heart was in her mouth while reading about her mother’s love towards her lover. She felt relieved and grateful for her mother’s choice. It was getting late in the night, but she flipped to the next… Continue reading Out of Tune

Music or Noise

A Message from Maa Music or Noise? Sagorika found herself identifying more and more with her mother. Estranged from her husband, in a stranger’s land, Sagorika was a young Mohona. Could she do what her mother had done to find happiness? But what had her mother really done? “Anupam came like a breath of fresh… Continue reading Music or Noise